September, 1993
In Gas Van Sant’s film My Own
Private Idaho, River Phoenix’s troubled character is plagued with narcolepsy, a
disease that causes him to enter a deep slumber at the drop of a hat. On the Palms
EP Idaho, a duo from California, captures the same nocturnal
lethargy, harnessing it through crawling, hesitant rhythms, stark arrangements
and the kind of brain numbing, depressing melodies for which American Music
Club has become revered.
But this isn’t music to slit your wrists or
deep-throat a shotgun to, Idaho lets a mid-‘80s. punk
feel seep into the slow-rock soundscapes, creating &
modestly invigorating undercurrent that keeps things from becoming too despondent or bleak.
Though Palms’ four songs
aren’t as
striking or fully realized as the fare on any AMC or Dream Syndicate
record or the better output from Codeine, Idaho definitely knows the
difference between writing a song and songwriting (most apparent
on the snail
paced “Gone”). The duo’s debut full-length, Year To Year, is due later this
fall and...uh…it…it..zzzz.
T. Miller